PDF download Class 12 CBSE Biology Chapter 1 | Reproduction in Organism

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PDF download Class 12 CBSE Biology Chapter 1 | Reproduction in Organism 

You can download class 12 biology chapter 1 Reproduction in Organism multiple questions and answers Images in the last conclusion part below. 

01. Single celled animals are said to be immortal because
a. They grow indefinitely in size b. They can tolerate any degree
of change in temperature
c. They can reproduce throughout their life span. d. They continue to live as their daughter cells.

02. Which of the following has the longest life span?
a. Banyan tree b. Tortoise c. Parrot d. Elephant

03. ________ is a life process that is not essential for an individual’s survival but for survival of the
species. a. Growth b. Reproduction c. Respiration d. Nutrition

04. Asexual reproduction is seen in members of Kingdom
a. Monera b. Plantae c. Animalia d. All of these

05. During binary fission in Amoeba which of the following organelles is duplicated?
a. Plasma membrane b. Nucleus c. Contractive vacuole d. All of these

06. Which of the following is not used for vegetative propagation?
a. Bud b. Bulbil c. Turion d. Antherozoid

07. Which of the following options shows two plants in which new plantlets arise from the same organ?
a. Dahlia and ginger b. Potato and sweet potato c. Dahlia and rose d. Potato and sugarcane

08. Fleshy buds produced in the axil of leaves, which grow to form new plants when shed and fall on
ground, are called a. Bulbs b. Bulbuls c. Tubers d. Offsets

09. Which of the following cannot serve as a vegetative propagule?
a. A piece of potato tuber with eyes b. A middle piece of sugarcane internode
c. A piece of ginger rhizome d. A marginal piece of Bryophyllum leaf

10. The uniparental reproduction is called_______ reproduction while biparental reproduction is termed
_______ reproduction. Higher organisms mostly show ______ reproduction.
a. Sexual, asexual, sexual b. Asexual, sexual, asexual
c. Asexual, sexual, sexual d. Sexual, asexual, asexual

11. The growth phase of an organism before attaining sexual maturity is referred to as
a. Juvenile phase b. Vegetative Phase c. Both (a) and (b) d. None of these.

12. Clear cut vegetative, reproductive and senescent phases cannot be observed in
a. Annual plants b. Perennial plants c. Biennial plants d. Ephemeral plants.

13. Oestrous cycle is reported in
a. Cows and sheep b. Humans and monkeys c. Chimpanzees and gorillas d. None of these.

14. Organisms reproducing throughout the year are called ______ breeders e.g., ______ and those who
show recurring sexual activity are called _______ breeders e.g., _______.
a. Continuous, sparrow, seasonal, hen b. Seasonal, lizard, continuous, hen
c. Continuous, man, seasonal, tiger d. Seasonal, hen, continuous, tiger

15. Senescent phase of an organism’s life span can be recognized by
a. Slow metabolism b. Cessation of reproduction c. Decreased immunity d. All of these

16. If a fungal thallus has both male and female reproductive structures, it will be called
a. Heterothallic b. Homothallic c. Dioecious d. Monoecious

17. Staminate flowers produce
a. Eggs b. Antherozoids c. Fruits d. All of these.

18. Read the following statements and select the incorrect one.
a. Cucurbits and coconuts are monoecious plants. b. Papayas and date palms are dioecious plants.
c. Leeches and tapeworms are bisexual animals. d. Sponges and coelenterates are unisexual

19. Meiosis does not occur in
a. Asexually reproducing diploid individuals b. Sexually reproducing haploid indivuduals
c. Sexually reproducing diploid individuals d. All of these.

20. A diploid parent plant body produces ______ gametes and a haploid parent plant body produces
______ gametes.
a. Diploid, haploid b. Haploid, diploid c. Diploid, diploid d. Haploid, haploid

21. Which of the following organisms has the highest number of chromosomes?
a. Housefly b. Butterfly c. Ophioglossum d. Onion

22. If a butterfly has chromosome number 360 in its meiocyte (2n). What will be the chromosome
number in its gametes? a. 380 b. 190 c. 95 d. 760

23. In flowering plants, both male and female gametes are non-motile. The method to bring them
together for fertilization is a. Water b. Air c. Pollination d. Apomixis

24. Development of new individual from female gamete without fertilization is termed as
a. Syngamy b. Embryogenesis c. Oogamy d. Parthenogenesis

25. In organisms showing internal fertilization, female gamete is non-motile. Lack of motility is
advantageous because it
a. Facilitates less expenditure of energy b. Assists in rapid division of female gamete
c. Helps the cell to store extra nutrients for rapid embryo development d. Both (a) and (c).

26. Spirogyra is a sexually reproducing alga in which vegetative thallus is haploid. in Spirogyra,
a. Never occurs b. Occurs at time of gamete production
c. Occurs after fertilization d. Occurs during vegetative growth.

27. Which of the following is not correct regarding sexual reproduction?
a. It is usually biparental b. Gametes are always formed
c. It is a slow process d. It involves only mitosis

28. Offsprings of oviparous animals are at greater risk of survival as compared to those of viviparous
animals because
a. Proper embryonic care and protection is absent b. Embryo does not develop completely
c. Progenies are of smaller size d. Genetic variations do not occur

29. Viviparity is found in a. Sharks b. Lizards c. Frogs d. Birds

30. In which of the following plants, sepals do not fail off after fertilization and remain attached to the
fruit? a. Brinjal b. Cucumber c. Papaya d. Bitter gourd

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